Tutorials Videos

Take a Look these videos and discover main Graphscad Features


  1. I made 2 beginner videos https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&video_id=EBC2ZIBEApc

  2. the url listed in comment from 'be reflective'
    is not a valid url in firefox esr 45.8.0,
    but ok in chrome 57.0.2987.98 (64-bit)

    The 1st video on this page
    has no voice or text explaining what is happening.

    the 2nd video on this page
    has very loud distracting noise (maybe music)
    and no explanation, no voice, no text.

    I'm sure you want users to understand your tool,
    but these videos do not help.
    Stating that the 1st video is intended to model 3 meshed gears
    would really help a new user.
    Letting the user know what you clicked on ( and why ) would help also.
    Advise the use of maximum playback quality,
    so the users can read the node connectors
    and better guess what you are doing.
    Tell them there is no audio at all
    so they dont get frustrated right away.

    It looks like a nice tool,
    I'll decipher video #1 and proceed from there.

    thx TomP

    1. Hello I got video 1 example to run. I had to guess a lot.
      I think it is good to know the 1st 29 seconds show the result, then at 30 seconds begins the tutorial.
      At that time a single gear is created, and the number of teeth specified. Then at 41 secs another gear is instanced and the teeth set to 15.
      You will not see what the video shows just yet... The SCAD viewport is not autmagically opened, so click the OpenSCAD icon in graphscad to open it. Choose View HideEditor Hide Console to help see both GraphSCAD and OpenScad at same time, side by side. Choose View | Animate then set FPS to 5 and Steps to 6 to see animation (other ways and settings will work also. )
      Right now you only see the larger gear as it hides the smaller one. So add a translation object and a summing math object to move 2nd gear away from 1st.
      Add the 2 pitch radii to make the 2nd gear just touch the 1st. The sum is connected to a translation objects's Y offset input. This is at the 1 minute mark. Be careful there are a few very quick disconnects and reconnects at this time.
      Disconnecting a 'wire' is done by right clicking on a node, then clicking on the pop-up 'Delete connection' ( the pop up is not an explanation, it is a single entry menu )
      A rotation widget is added to the central gear (11 tooth ). Then another rotation is added between the 2nd gears object output and its 2D translation widget. The rZ input of the rotation is set to $t*360 which i guess is a fractional time multiplied by 360 degrees (thanks for not using radians! ). Now there is a change with time, so animation is possible.
      We are now at 1:27. The other gear (central 11 tooth ) needs to be synchronized and so set the rZ to $t*360*11/15 (same as other gear but adjusted by gear ratio ).
      Click the OpenSCAD icon in graphscad window and then click in openscad window. Next (unmentioned in video ), click View | Animation, then enter an FPS and a STEP value in bottom of window. Easy Peasy huh?
      You now have 2 gears grinding each others teeth off. try FPS 5 and Step 6 ( what 'worked' for me, work meaning meshing not clashing ).
      Ok now you're half way thru the tutorial and it sorta looks like the video. Try recompiling and restarting the animation as needed.
      At 2:00 minutes you (may) have 2 gears meshing and turning. Change the thickness of each gear to 7 mn. Resetthe animation and compilation to see the thicker gears turn.
      The tutorial ends here. The 3rd gear is left as an exercise for the user. Basically add another Math multiplier with one input from sum of 2 previous pitch radii BUT second term of multiplier is set to -1, making it appear on other side of smaller central gear.
      A new translation object uses the earlier outer gear object ( we clone it ) and use the new position (-1 * old position) as its position. This is past the end of the tutorial so there is no timestamp to reference. You now have 3 objects, the original 11 tooth gear with NO traqnslation widget ( so its at 0,0,0 ) and one 15 tooth gear translated to touch center gear on y + side, and now another 15 tooth gear touching central gear on y - side. I must be getting old, it was tough wading thru this beginner tutorial.
      I added a 30 tooth on the X axis just for S&G the colored each gear to make it easier to say 'the green one'.

      HTH tomp

  3. What happened to Graphscad? It looks like a useful tool, and there seems to have been a community of interested users, but in 2018, it all just stopped. Presumably it hadn't reached perfection at that stage - the latest postings had comments about intended future improvements. Now, seven years later, It's still available for download, but is there any support? Did the developer die? Has it been superceded by something else?


Thanks for your comments. It will help to get a better tool.