Mar 31, 2017

Version 1.0.9 is on the way

This version provide new interesting features.

There are 2 new nodes

- ifdebug mode : conditionnal node based on global variable driven with a checkbox. This allow you to process or not process some nodes for openscad refresh. I used it to display propellers and motors when creating a drone frame

- ifassembled mode : conditionnal node based on global variable driven with a checkbox. This allow you to process or not process some nodes for openscad refresh. I used it to switch between a ready to print layout and an assembled preview of my drone frame.

Here is the drone frame Ready to print with debug mode on.

The drone frame is assembled and debug mode is on

The drone frame is assembled with debug mode off


  1. New version of drone technology is now more popular in the world . There are more user are so interest about this and they like to get more helps from self flying drone tips.


Thanks for your comments. It will help to get a better tool.